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Auckland Business Advisory Services – Get Clarity In Your Business
Great, you have reached my contact page, maybe you have checked a few of my other pages out already, so now you know I am a real person 😊. All contact pages are a little passive, but I reckon that because you are here already, you do have an inkling that my business advisory and coaching services could be of some assistance. Truth is, we probably don’t know each other yet, so I don’t know if I can offer value to you.
Best way to deal with this is we schedule a 15-minute call – cool with that? So reach out now: call me, email me or fill out my enquiry or Calendly form shown below.
Would you like to know more about Sean?
So here is some really interesting history.
Dating back to 1896 when an Italian economist made an observation which became known as the Pareto Principle, commonly referred to as the 80/20 rule. This discovery was initiated by observing that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population. Today this broad principle still applies to most facets of our lives and business. In essence, it states that 80% of effects are caused by 20% of the activity.
So where do you sit in the 80/20 world? Is your business among the 20% of businesses in your sector that generate 80% of the profits? Is your ability to sell putting you among the 20% of sales people in your sector that generates 80% of the results?
Reach out to me, and if we are good match then I will work with you to get you on the right side of Mr Pareto!

Schedule your 15-minute complimentary call by selecting a date and time in the calendar below: