
Grief, Insights, Recruitment

by Sean Foster | July 30, 2024 | Newsletter

A business man in a suite carrying a laptop bag walking upwards on stairs

I need to open this NewsBrief with my apology for not sending these for the past three months. 2024 has not been the kindest to me personally. As a family we had to face life with Monica’s terminal cancer diagnosis and passing in May. She was not only my soulmate and closest friend but also my confidant and the person who would also review my NewsBrief and to be that sounding board. She has left an unfillable hole in my heart.

Monica's presence in my life was a gift that taught me invaluable lessons in humility, empathy, and the importance of always considering different perspectives. While I no longer have her with me in person, her spirit and wisdom will continue to guide me. She has left an indelible mark on my life, reminding me to "turn the other cheek" and remain open-minded.

As a coach I am very well aware of the typical stages of grief with the final one being acceptance. This cannot be forced, but remains as a reminder. A special thank to all of you who have been so understanding and supportive during this challenging time.

Introducing the DISC Assessment Cheat Sheet

A business woman coaching her woman employee about leadership and excellence

Photo courtesy of CareerFitter, from https://www.careerfitter.com/

Understanding the inherent behavioral tendencies of your team members can be incredibly advantageous. Especially when recruiting do you want someone with similar traits as your existing team members or something different? What specific behavioural traits are you after?

Completing a DISC assessment provides these valuable insights, but it can be costly to fully implement when recruiting. I have found most business owners are not willing to spend the dollars in these DISC assessments with someone that they are unsure if they will employ.

As a practical alternative, I’ve put together a cheat sheet with specific questions that can help you gauge a candidate's DISC style without the expense. These questions are designed to elicit responses that reveal their natural behaviors, giving you a better understanding of their fit within your team.

You can download the cheat sheet here.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement. In fact, if you have found some value in this NewsBrief then let me know. Feedback in whatever form is a good thing 🙂.

If you have any feedback or topics you’d like covered in future newsbriefs, feel free to reach out.

Sean Foster

Sean Foster

Business Coach & Advisor

PS: Interested in working with me? I help in 3 ways:
[1] Work with me privately to improve your business profitability, scale your business & improve your personal and business productivity - Schedule an appointment here.
[2] Join BIG – in-person, group based coaching program. Operating from Silverdale, Auckland
[3] Understand & develop your behavioural habits through psychometric behavioural assessments & coaching

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